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Report Dead Link

Report Dead Link


  • 1. This page is meant for DEAD LINK report only. Do not REQUEST.
  • 2. Do not repeat your report. Be patient and wait in line.
  • 3. Always be specific. Mention the file hosting you want us to reupload, resolution, codec, and/or quality type. If you can’t be specific, your report will not be fixed.
  • 4. Do not submit ‘ALL LINKS DEAD’ report. We will consider it as false report.
  • 5. Do not hit ‘reply button’ below someone’s comment. Just type your report on comment box.
  • 6. Only report if you got these kind of message:
  • File has been removed
  • File expired
  • File not found.


Links will be fixed within 2 to 3 days of reporting but sometime it can take more time due to long queue.

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  1. Sujit says:

    Footfairy movie file did not found ….
    Please fix it ……….

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  2. Tariqul Bashar Shaown says:

    Red 2 movie’s download links are expired. Please fix it.

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  3. Tariqul Bashar Shaown says:

    Red Movie’s file has been expired. Please fix it.

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  4. Michael says:

    Kabir Singh link is not found.Plss fix it.

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  5. Sabbir says:

    Amavas movie file doesn’t exist!

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  6. TheASC says:

    file not found for PYAAR KA PUNCHNAMA 2.
    Love U 9xFlix.

    1. admin says:

      Fixed now

  7. Software Developer says:

    Upload Laxshmi Bomb

  8. Polim chakma says:

    Chicken curry law 2019 movie download link is not found….. Please recently upload once again.

  9. Tejas Salunkhe says:

    File of geetha govundam doesnt exists. Fix it plz.

    1. admin says:

      links working no issues

  10. Rahul Singh says:

    Avengers infinity war file is not there. It is saying file not found. Please fix it

    1. admin says:

      it is there and working

  11. AD says:

    Badnaam gali file not found error on every link, even even few links are shown as unsafe by browser like myfile,etc.

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  12. Abhishek says:

    Link not workin for rocket Singh and badnaam gali

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  13. Abhishek says:

    Link not working for shukranu

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  14. Abhishek says:

    Link not working for badla

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  15. nihal says:

    file not found please fix the aquaman movie

    1. admin says:

      Fixed now

  16. Harish says:

    Noorie’s link does not exist

    1. admin says:

      working fine

  17. Kunal singh says:

    The file is expired plzz work on it ASAP

  18. Krishna says:

    The incredibles movie links not working . please fix!

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  19. Vishwas verma says:

    the jungle book link isn’working
    it is saying file not found or file doesn’t exist !

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  20. Kdd Boy says:

    Love On Rent Link Not work

    1. admin says:

      Links working

  21. War race says:

    Kamasutra A tale of love links not working

    1. admin says:

      Fixed now

  22. Sumit says:

    4 Shots Please link is not working

    1. admin says:

      Fixed now

  23. Abhishek Pathak says:

    Pls upload main tera hero

  24. Abhishek says:

    Link not working for the lion king & batman the dark knight and batman vs superman and rocket singh

    1. admin says:

      Fixed now

  25. Abhishek says:

    File no found. Pls upload batman the dark knight rises and Also pls upload latest movies of Netflix and amazon like challang and many new etc

    1. admin says:

      Fixed now

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