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Report Dead Link

Report Dead Link


  • 1. This page is meant for DEAD LINK report only. Do not REQUEST.
  • 2. Do not repeat your report. Be patient and wait in line.
  • 3. Always be specific. Mention the file hosting you want us to reupload, resolution, codec, and/or quality type. If you can’t be specific, your report will not be fixed.
  • 4. Do not submit ‘ALL LINKS DEAD’ report. We will consider it as false report.
  • 5. Do not hit ‘reply button’ below someone’s comment. Just type your report on comment box.
  • 6. Only report if you got these kind of message:
  • File has been removed
  • File expired
  • File not found.


Links will be fixed within 2 to 3 days of reporting but sometime it can take more time due to long queue.

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  1. Zain says:

    AFTER 2019 not found
    Please give after movie

  2. vansh says:

    laxmi bomb’s links page not opening

    1. admin says:

      links working fine. don’t mislead


    chak de india movie links

    1. admin says:

      Fixed now

  4. Tony says:

    Ok jaanu movie file not found

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  5. Animesh says:

    The mask file not found

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  6. Ayushmaan Kaushik. says:

    Qarib Qarib Singlle’s file not find and file expired by desi links.
    plz reupload.

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  7. Azexr says:

    Grand Masti movie’s link not found.

    1. admin says:

      check now

  8. Saroj Tapaswi says:

    Please help me sir I can’t download

  9. Nihar agrawL says:

    Flash ,link not found

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  10. Zaib Hassan says:

    Gabbar is back movie linked expire please fix this

  11. Babar Baloch says:

    flash season link expire plz fix it

  12. Ali says:

    Sir lucifer madrasi movie link dead plz reply

  13. Raj Sadhnani says:

    Luka chuppi file not found

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  14. Md Alif Hosen says:

    They are lot of links those are not working. I don’t know who are you but I can say head first you should check it then publishe it. It is very helpful websites but I have another report about this website. I am not 18 plus. I am a child but I faced a lot of naked picture. This is very disgusting. A lot of children’s visit your website you should think about this naked picture. Please do something naked picture and movies.

  15. md babar ali says:

    amazing spider man movie not downloading .it take me desi link plz correct it.

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  16. Tejas Salunkhe says:

    There’s no web series of stranger things s3 links are dead

  17. Raj Sadhnani says:

    Raazi movie file not found

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  18. Azexr says:

    Grand masti is not available, please take quickly action.

  19. Firdaus says:

    Khamoshi prabhu sir ki link xspir ples fixit

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  20. Shivam Kumar says:

    Link not working for Maharshi movie

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  21. Usama says:

    All Underworld movies links are expired

    1. admin says:

      multiple Links working try them

  22. Ad says:

    Batman begins can’t download fix it

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  23. Sharad yadav says:

    The links of movie pyaar ka puchnama 1 is dead please solve this problem. I am very excited to watch the movie after watching the trailer.

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  24. Ck says:

    San Andreas movie link speed problem

    1. admin says:

      fixed now

  25. Sameem Ahmad says:

    Aladdin movi plz upload

    1. admin says:

      already uploaded on site please search

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